Museum opening hours: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10am to 2pm

Soldiers Memorial Centenary – Sat 25th May

(Photo: Australian War Memorial)

The programme for the Soldiers Memorial Centenary on Saturday May 25th. Some changes may be made dependent on circumstances.

Gipps Street below the clock and Carp Street from the clock to the gates is planned to be closed from 8am with the march commencing at 10.30am.

Centenary Commemoration Programme

  1. Prologue – John Watkins MC
  2. Arrival of Official Guests
  3. All stand for the mounting of the Catafalque Party
  4. Introduction and welcome – MC
  5. Acknowledgement of country – MC
  6. Hymn – O Valiant Heart – RMC
  7. Prayer of Thanksgiving – Salvation Army
  8. Prayer For The King – Mayor
  9. Prayer For The Nation – Kristy McBain MP
  10. Hymn – Lead Kindly Light – RMC
  11. Centenary Commemoration Address – Dr. Richard Reid
  12. Prayer of Commemoration of the Fallen – President NSW RSL
  13. Presentation of the Photographs of the 66 persons on the memorial. Bass Drum Beat – 33 each side
  14. Laying of wreaths – music by piper Jim Tierney, Bega Band and RMC Band
  15. Ode – 2 verses. G Berman President Bega RSL Subbranch.
  16. Last Post – RMC Bugler
  17. One Minute Silence
  18. Benediction – G Berman President Bega RSL Subbranch
  19. MC outlines history behind hymn Abide With Me and God Save The King
  20. Hymn – Abide With Me – RMC
  21. National Anthems of Australia and UK
  22. All stand for the dismount of the catafalque party
  23. Conclusion and thank you to participants.
  24. Announcement of the dedication of the mural – details to be confirmed

Read more about the Bega Soldiers Memorial on the Monument Australia website: